The Falcon-9 rocket carrying the Dragon spacecraft was successfully launched

The Falcon-9 rocket carrying the Dragon spacecraft was successfully launched
Publish: 04.03.2024

The Dragon spacecraft, belonging to the US space transportation company SpaceX and carrying 4 crew members, was successfully launched with the Falcon-9 rocket.
The “Crew-8” mission, jointly conducted by the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the space transportation company SpaceX, has begun. The Falcon-9 rocket carrying the Dragon spacecraft, with NASA Astronauts Matthew Dominick, Michael Reed Barratt, Jeanette Epps, and Roscosmos Cosmonaut Alexander Grebenkin on board, was successfully launched from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida at 06:54 GMT.
It was announced that the first stage booster of the Falcon-9 rocket, which has the reusability feature, successfully returned to Landing Zone 1 (LZ-1) at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station after the launch. It is reported that the astronauts, expected to reach the International Space Station (ISS) after approximately 24 hours of journey, will conduct over 200 scientific experiments during their 180-day mission, including new research.
The launch had been postponed
NASA and SpaceX aimed to start the Crew-8 mission on February 22, but the preparation process for the mission was delayed due to the launch of the lunar lander belonging to Intuitive Machines from the same pad on March 18. Initially postponed to February 28 to complete the preparations, the launch was later postponed to today due to weather conditions.

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