Visit of the Minister of Treasury and Finance Mehmet Şimşek to Germany

Detailed information about the meetings and current topics discussed during the visit of the Minister of Treasury and Finance Mehmet Şimşek to Germany. The latest developments regarding the visit to Germany and the statements made by the minister are provided here.

Visit of the Minister of Treasury and Finance Mehmet Şimşek to Germany
Publish: 09.05.2024

Minister of Treasury and Finance Mehmet Şimşek made important statements at the 8th Turkish-German Economy Day held in Germany. Şimşek expressed satisfaction with Turkish business people investing in Germany.

Turkey’s Economic Situation

Şimşek emphasized Turkey’s size and economic performance, highlighting the country’s growth potential. He also touched upon the importance of low indebtedness for economic growth.

Inflation Targets

Minister Şimşek announced Turkey’s inflation fighting targets. Şimşek stated that inflation would rise above 70% in May and expressed that inflation would return to single digits by 2026.

Structural Reforms and Competitiveness

Şimşek emphasized Turkey’s focus on structural reforms to enhance competitiveness. He noted that the reforms aimed at improving education quality, investment environment, and productivity are progressing successfully.

Among other speakers were North Rhine-Westphalia Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst, Turkey’s Ambassador to Germany, Ahmet Başar Şen, and President of ATİAD, Aziz Sarıyar. German Federal Minister of Finance Christian Lindner and Mayor of Düsseldorf Dr. Stephan Keller participated in the event via video messages.