US Policy towards Saudi Arabia and Israel

The US policy towards Saudi Arabia and Israel is being examined. A detailed analysis of the US relations and policies in the Middle East is being presented.

US Policy towards Saudi Arabia and Israel
Publish: 09.05.2024

US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan stated in an interview with the British Financial Times that Washington would not accept a defense agreement with Riyadh unless there is a normalization agreement between Saudi Arabia and Israel.
At a time when relations with Gulf countries have been strained following Israel’s attacks on the Gaza Strip, the US is playing a significant role in reshaping relations between Tel Aviv and Saudi Arabia.
Sullivan clearly stated that the US would not enter into a defense agreement with Riyadh without normalization between Saudi Arabia and Israel, saying, ‘In a comprehensive sense, the precondition for a bilateral agreement between the US and Saudi Arabia is normalization between Israel and Saudi Arabia and meaningful steps taken on behalf of the Palestinian people. All of these need to come together. You cannot separate one from the other.’
Sullivan also mentioned that in the coming months, US President Joe Biden may make further statements on the issue, saying, ‘The only thing we can do is work on a path that we believe is logical and get many countries in the region on board with this path, and then present this path. Ultimately, this will be up to the Israeli government. The Israeli people will also decide whether to choose this path or not.’

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