Serbian Parliament Approved the New Government

The Serbian Parliament has approved the new government to take office. Details regarding this development, which is considered an important step in the country’s politics, are here.

Serbian Parliament Approved the New Government
Publish: 02.05.2024

Serbian Parliament Gives Approval

In Serbia, the Parliament approved the new government led by former Defense Minister Milos Vucevic, who is known as a close figure to President Aleksandar Vucic. The cabinet includes two politicians that the US has imposed sanctions on.

Details of the New Coalition Government

The Serbian Parliament approved the coalition government formed with the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), which received the most votes in the elections held on December 17, 2023, along with 5 other parties. In the 250-seat parliament, 152 out of 213 MPs voted in favor of the new government, while 61 voted against. The new coalition government consists of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) led by Vucevic, along with the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), the Social Democratic Party of Serbia (SDPS), the United Pensioners of Serbia Party (PUPS), the United Serbia (JS), and the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians (SVM).

Prominent Figures in the New Cabinet

The new Prime Minister of the government is former Defense Minister Milos Vucevic. It is noteworthy that two politicians on whom the US has imposed sanctions are included in the new cabinet. Compared to the former cabinet led by former Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, the new cabinet, one-third of which consists of new names, includes 31 ministers.

New Ministers and Their Roles

  • Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Sinisa Mali
  • Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior Ivica Dacic
  • Defense Minister Bratislav Gasic
  • Foreign Minister Marko Djuric
  • And other ministers…

State Secretaries and Their Roles

  • Pro-Russian politician Aleksandar Vulin
  • Serbian politician Nenad Popovic
  • And other state secretaries…

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