77 pilot whales stranded on the coast in Scotland
77 pilot whales stranded on the coast of Orkney Islands in Scotland died. 77 pilot whales stranded on the coast of Sanday, which is part of the Orkney Islands in Scotland, on Thursday. Upon notification, rescue teams that arrived at the scene reported that 65 of the whales had died…

77 pilot whales stranded on the coast of Orkney Islands in Scotland died. In Sanday, an island belonging to the Orkney Islands of Scotland, 77 pilot whales stranded on Thursday. Rescue teams that arrived at the scene following a report determined that 65 of the whales were dead. After examination and first aid, euthanasia was performed on the other 12 whales due to their deteriorating condition. The reason for the stranding of the whales on the coast is unknown. Whales can strand on the coast for various reasons such as losing their way or getting stuck due to tides. Experts mention that pilot whales especially have close social bonds, so when one member of the pod is in distress, others follow, leading to the whales stranding collectively on the coast.