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L’emozione delle elezioni presidenziali negli Stati Uniti e il processo di voto anticipato

L’emozione per le elezioni presidenziali negli Stati Uniti è alle stelle! In questo contenuto ricco di dettagli sul processo elettorale e sui metodi di voto anticipato, scopri l’importanza della partecipazione democratica.

L’emozione delle elezioni presidenziali negli Stati Uniti e il processo di voto anticipato
Yayınlama: 03.11.2024

Excitement for the Presidential Election in the USA

There are only 3 days left until the presidential elections to be held on November 5, and the early voting process is ongoing. So far, more than 70 million voters have exercised their right to vote, either by going to the polls or by mail.

This year’s election is considered one of the most contentious presidential races in American history. There is fierce competition between the Republican Party’s candidate and former president Donald Trump and the Democratic Party’s candidate and current president’s assistant Kamala Harris. Polls show that Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are in a neck-and-neck battle. According to the polling analysis site FiveThirtyEight, 48% of voters prefer Harris, while 46.8% prefer Trump. On the other hand, according to the polling data from the RealClearPolitics website, Trump has a 48.4% and Harris has a 48.1% vote share. The New York Times poll reveals that Harris has a 49% and Trump has a 48% vote share.

In this election, the results from “swing” states such as Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Georgia are expected to play a critical role in determining the overall election results. These states are named so because they fluctuate between Republicans and Democrats.

Early Voting Process

The early voting process continues with millions of American voters heading to the polls or voting by mail before November 5. According to the University of Florida’s Election Lab, more than 70 million people have voted early so far. Of these voters, 37 million 458 thousand 617 voted in person, while 32 million 594 thousand 669 cast their preferences by mail.

Election System and Delegates

In the United States, presidential elections occur through an indirect system where voters do not directly choose the president. In this system, called the “Electoral College,” there are a total of 538 delegates, and the number of delegates varies by state. Voters do not vote directly for the presidential candidates but for the members of their state’s Electoral College. The delegates then officially select the president and vice president of the United States.

In this election, the candidate who reaches 270 of the 538 delegates will assume the presidency. In the U.S. election system, the winner is the candidate who wins the majority of delegates, not necessarily the one who receives the most votes. A candidate who wins a state is considered to have won all of that state’s delegates. For example, Donald Trump secured the presidency in the 2016 elections, despite receiving about 3 million fewer votes than his opponent Hillary Clinton, by reaching 304 delegates through victories in swing states.

In the final days of the election process, Trump and Kamala Harris are increasing their rallies in 7 critical states to reach undecided voters and those voting for the first time. In addition to the presidential race, there is also significant election excitement in Congress and local governments. All 435 seats in the House of Representatives and 34 of the 100 seats in the Senate, as well as new governors in 11 of the 50 states, will be contested.

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